Source code for dyPolyChord.pypolychord_utils

#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Functions for running dyPolyChord using pypolychord (PolyChord's
built-in python wrapper) using with python likelihoods and priors.

Note that pypolychord was called PyPolyChord before PolyChord v1.15;
if pypolychord cannot be imported then we try importing it using its
old name instead for backwards compatibility.
# Exception handling needed to allow readthedocs to work without
# installing pypolychord.
    import pypolychord
    import pypolychord.settings as pypolychord_settings
except ImportError:
    # Try importing pypolychord using its old name (from before
    # PolyChord v1.15)
        import PyPolyChord as pypolychord
        import PyPolyChord.settings as pypolychord_settings
    except ImportError:

[docs]class RunPyPolyChord(object): """Callable class for running PolyChord in Python with specified the settings."""
[docs] def __init__(self, likelihood, prior, ndim, nderived=0): """ Specify likelihood, prior and number of dimensions in calculation. Parameters ---------- likelihood: func prior: func ndim: int nderived: int, optional """ self.likelihood = likelihood self.prior = prior self.ndim = ndim self.nderived = nderived
[docs] def __call__(self, settings_dict, comm=None): """ Runs pypolychord with specified inputs and writes output files. See the pypolychord documentation for more details. Parameters ---------- settings_dict: dict Input PolyChord settings. comm: None or mpi4py MPI.COMM object, optional For MPI parallelisation. """ if comm is None: settings = pypolychord_settings.PolyChordSettings( self.ndim, self.nderived, **settings_dict) else: rank = comm.Get_rank() if rank == 0: settings = pypolychord_settings.PolyChordSettings( self.ndim, self.nderived, **settings_dict) else: settings = None settings = comm.bcast(settings, root=0) pypolychord.run_polychord(self.likelihood, self.ndim, self.nderived, settings, prior=self.prior)